Call me for more details and to book a place!
Circuit Training - All abilities - age 17 +
Ashtanga Yoga Flow
PLACE: Zoom class from the comfort of . your own home
DAY/TIME: Wednesday - 7 to 8pm
PRICE: £9 pay as you go or £35 block of 5
Fitness For 50+
Call me before starting the
class and I will send out a
PARQ form.
PLACE: St Peter's Methodist Church,
Crosshills, BD20 8TF
DAY/TIME: Friday - 11am to 12 noon
PRICE: £30 for a block of 6 classes
Before starting any of my classes I will need you to fill in a Parq form, just a few easy health screening questions.
I can send it via post, email or download from this site. Thank You